Dealing with air pollution that makes us prone to depression!
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In much research done so far, air pollution increases the risk of heart disease. A recent study in the US contributes another piece of information about how air pollution makes us prone to depression. Researchers say that air pollution can further weaken the heart of a kidney patient who has high blood pressure. So, let’s start dealing with air pollution that makes us prone to depression! Let’s read.
How Does Air Pollution Affect Our Bodies
According to researchers, air pollution is somehow related to heart diseases and mental conditions. Protecting yourself from air pollution contributes to reducing the risk of many heart diseases to a significant extent.
Air pollution affects the functioning of the heart.
Researchers say increased levels of glycine-3 have been found in kidney patients with high blood pressure. They relate it to air pollution. Because of this, the heart becomes weak. Research on many patients revealed the formation of myocardial fibrosis in patients with kidney disease due to air pollution. If you understand it in an easy language, the heart starts to tremble. It can lead to myocardial infarction or even death (heart attack).
Air pollution leads to depression.
Research has revealed that heredity and air pollution together increase the risk of depression in healthy people. When polluted particles dissolved in the air enter the body of healthy people with depression genes, they can get this disease. The essential message of the research is that air pollution affects the brain’s emotional and cognitive capacity.
This change is pushing people towards depression. The researcher said that more and more people are becoming victims of depression in areas with high pollution. Because of rising pollution in the atmosphere, people’s behavior seems to have changed a bit. According to researchers, some people are less prone to depression, but others are more prone to it because of their heredity.

Dealing with Air Pollutions – Haze
When unhealthy air readings prompt an air pollution warning, be prepared to protect your health. Here are some suggestions for what to do. Too much exposure to mist can have adverse effects on the body. Some indications and symptoms to watch for:
- Breathing problems and nasal congestion
- Pain in chest
- Burning eyes – painful and watery
- Itchy throat and cough
- Runny nose and cold attacks
- Skin irritation or itching
- And many more…
If you have any of these symptoms, get medical help before they worsen.
High-risk group
Those who are in the high-risk category need to be extra careful. People considered in the high-risk group are children, senior citizens, and people who suffer from conditions like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic lung diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. This category also includes avid smokers and outdoor workers.
What can you do to avoid the haze?
To stay healthy during hazy days, heed the tips mentioned here. You should leave the house at the very least if the air in the surrounding area has become more contaminated. If it is necessary to leave the house, it is a good idea to wear an N95 mask.
Strengthen your immunity
Amid increasing pollution and the Coronavirus epidemic, it has become necessary to strengthen immunity. In such a situation, how can one avoid increasing smog? First, avoid the chances of getting sick because of pollution and boost your immunity. Suppose, if you are experiencing chronic asthma, cough, cold, conjunctivitis, heart problems, and lung diseases, seek medical treatment as soon as symptoms worsen or persist.
Furthermore, people in the high-risk category are advised to continue taking their medicine as prescribed and keep healthy. If the AQI exceeds 201, stay indoors and, if possible, move to haze-free areas if haze persists at dangerous levels in your location. [AQI => Air Quality Index]. If you must venture out, wear a mask.
It is mandatory for motorcyclists, outdoor workers, those exposed to dusty places, and high-risk groups. If you are a smoker and have young children, elderly parents, and sick relatives in your household, do not smoke as it may make their illness worse. It would be helpful to avoid whispering to yourself during the hours when the AQI (air quality index) exceeds 100.
If you are active in outdoor sports, avoid or reduce these activities for a while until it is safe to do so. Stay indoors as much as possible. On exposure to gauze, wash your face, and shower. Make sure you drink plenty of water at all times.
Healthy Diet
A balanced and healthy diet is essential for a strong and healthy immune system. Diets like this strengthen the body’s ability to fight toxins. You should include foods in your diet that are rich in nutrients and anti-inflammatory and help detox and boost immunity. As a first step, make sure to consume vitamin C in your diet. Also, vitamin E is a highly effective source of antioxidants.
You must take the kind of food that can heal or relax the respiratory organs at least once a week. Green leafy vegetables, honey, ginger tea, black pepper, cloves, basil, turmeric milk, and other natural anti-allergic foods are some examples.

Keep indoor air clean
It is crucial to clean the air inside the house. In such a situation, grow plants that tend to the polluted air by absorbing the carbon dioxide. For this, plant a plant like Aloe vera or other green plants in your home. These will keep the air fresh to a significant extent. Apart from this, use an air purifier if you have one.
Use of masks
Masks prevent toxic particles from reaching the body through the breath and mouth. These will not only save you from pollution but also from covid-19. The best way to accomplish this is to use unique masks, such as N95 or 5-layer masks, which are readily available online or in the market. In contrast, if your car has an air conditioner, turn it on while driving. Make sure all windows are closed.
When do I follow security measures?
One should follow the advice given by the Ministry of Health in their country by paying attention to the AQI readings. Tune into radio, television, and major newspapers to update smog conditions. Only then will you know when is the right time to resume outdoor activities. The AQI readings are:
AQI Reading Sign 0 – 50 Good. 51 – 100 Satisfactory. 201 – 300 Unhealthy Level. Follow safety measures > 300 Dangerous levels. (follow safety measures) where AQI refers to the Air Quality index.
I hope that with accurate and correct information, everyone can strive towards healthy health and happy life. The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are not subject to professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have questions, illnesses, or concerns.
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