Natural treatment of the thyroid: must know hyperthyroidism symptoms
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Natural treatment of the thyroid
There are several diseases and disorders of the thyroid that can affect the normal functioning of the gland. Let’s talk about the natural treatment of the thyroid, its symptoms, and treatments. The thyroid is an essential part of the endocrine system, aiding in producing many vital hormones and the proper functioning of the human body.
Butterfly-shaped glands are cleverly positioned in the neck above the collarbone. The two most common thyroid disorders are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The former is a condition in which the thyroid gland releases excessive thyroid hormones.
Some hyperthyroidism symptoms you must know about!
In hypothyroidism, there is a condition in which the gland cannot make enough of the required hormones. Although hypothyroidism is more common, recognizing hyperthyroidism symptoms can play an essential role in diagnosing any thyroid disorder. Common hyperthyroidism symptoms include:
Mood swings and mental changes
In hyperthyroidism, a person is more likely to experience anxiety and panic attacks – usually feeling that they cannot relax at all. Also, the excessive amount of thyroid hormone in the blood makes it difficult to concentrate.
Sleeping disorders and fatigue
People with hyperthyroidism find it challenging to fall asleep quickly, and hence they feel more tired and unwell. An overactive thyroid triggers insomnia because of restlessness and anxiety, making sleep difficult.
Weight loss: symptoms and treatment of thyroid
One of the most prominent symptoms of hyperthyroidism is weight loss. Whether a person eats their regular diet or more than usual, there is persistent weight loss in hyperthyroidism.

Irregular periods and infertility:
People who experience fewer and lighter periods are more likely to have problems with infertility. It is imperative to have routine periods.
Skin changes and hair loss
The condition of hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss, usually on the scalp, and may even lead to thinning hair and fragile skin.
Muscle pain
This condition causes various joint and muscle problems, usually including difficulty gripping objects, reaching the arms above the shoulders, and even climbing stairs.
Cholesterol levels
Most people with this disorder are likely to experience abnormally low cholesterol levels.
Blood pressure levels
In the presence of a state of hyperthyroidism, the systolic, the upper value of blood pressure, rises. However, the diastolic, the lower value of blood pressure, remains constant or drops down.

Heart rate
The heart beats faster than usual, and the person is likely to experience heart palpitations. There, it should be recommended immediate care. Apart from these, excessive consumption of alcohol, regular smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unbalanced diet are some causes of hyperthyroidism, leading to the above-listed symptoms. Let’s discuss symptoms and treatment of the thyroid.
Can we treat thyroid disorders: Is it possible to treat thyroid disorders naturally?
Thyroid disorders often negatively affect a patient’s life. They can influence a patient’s energy level, temperament, weight, digestive system, libido, sleep cycle, blood pressure, and more. In addition, conventional treatment protocols often involve the prolonged use of synthetic drugs or even surgery sometimes. Thus, it should be no surprise that many patients with thyroid disorders seek natural alternatives.
The most common thyroid disorders are primary hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and Graves’ disease. Unfortunately, the medical community is often clearly divided between two ideologies on health and disease: the medical or alternative models.
The medical model for symptoms and treatment of thyroid
In the medical model, doctors focus on analyzing symptoms and narrowing down the possibilities until they diagnose. The doctor then follows a prescribed treatment protocol to treat the disease. Treatment often involves medication. This model’s standard treatment protocol for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is hormone replacement therapy.
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommends synthetic T4-levothyroxine for clinical hypothyroidism to restore thyroid-stimulating hormone to normal levels. In Graves’ disease, the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. Standard treatment protocols include thyroid-suppressing medications or surgery to remove the thyroid. Many physicians in the United States prefer to employ radioactive iodine as a therapy.
Treating thyroid in a natural way with an alternative model
The problem with alternative models is that they are thrown into an enormous pile or don’t get implemented when there are many. These include Naturopathy, acupuncture, herbs, and functional medicine. This article focuses on functional medicine approaches to thyroid disorders.

Functional medicine for the natural treatment of the thyroid.
In the functional model, the therapist examines all aspects of a person’s health. They study the root cause of a problem rather than treating symptoms as they arise. For example, there are many reasons why a person has depression. One person may suffer from a blood sugar and blood pressure imbalance, while another may have a mineral deficiency.
If the root cause is different, there is no point in treating all depression differently. Some alternative models use similar paradigms. For example, herbalists may recommend St. John’s wort for a patient with certain types of depression after understanding the root cause.
St. John’s wort is available in supplement form in teas, tablets, liquids, and topical preparations. People use St. John’s wort to treat depression and the symptoms of menopause. This model is based on knowledge from other elective subjects and mixes it with scientific data gathered from functional laboratory tests. It also engages the patient in a therapeutic partnership where they actively participate in their well-being, vital to recovery.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves’ disease
In Hashimoto and Graves’ disease, the functional approach looks for sources of stress on the immune system. Graves and Hashimoto are autoimmune disorders and not thyroid problems. Thyroid dysfunction is just one symptom of the underlying cause: an underactive immune system.
Autoimmunity develops for many reasons. But, again, each person is unique and requires particular tests and treatments, depending on the underlying cause. Food allergies or food sensitivities can also cause immune system instability. When you continue to eat irritating foods, it can eventually lead to an autoimmune condition.
Since these thyroid problems can have many underlying causes, we can’t define a standard treatment protocol or care for a thyroid condition. Sadly, the many factors contributing to these diseases also make it very difficult to self-treat.
How can functional medicine help you?
Understanding the underlying effects affecting the thyroid requires some knowledge of physiology and interpreting functional laboratory tests. However, a skilled doctor can provide proper care and correct the immune system dysfunction that caused your diagnosis.
You will need to determine whether your thyroid is still functioning, and how it is doing, to restore complete function. If you do not have a thyroid gland or it has been severely damaged, you will need medication to support thyroid function. The functional approach can help patients when they do not process drugs efficiently and correctly.
For example, physicians usually prescribe a synthetic version of the T4 hormone, which is less physically active than T3. Because of this, your body must convert it, but some people have difficulty converting it efficiently. Other patients undergo T4 reverse to T3. Unfortunately, reverse T3 does not help the thyroid.
Fortunately, I can address both problems through functional medicine so that you can get the most benefit and the most relief from your medication. Overall, the medical model has its place. For example, it can help patients manage symptoms and diagnose thyroid problems. Still, it doesn’t address the root of the problem. Instead, a functional model delves into the underlying cause to prevent further issues and address existing concerns, rather than just treating the symptoms.
Naturally, I look forward to a time when medical and functional models will intertwine for seamless, effective patient care. Both have many benefits, but together they can provide targeted streamlined care and recovery. I am pausing this post now. Did it help you? If you liked this post, let us know. Thank you for reading about the natural treatment of the thyroid. We will be delighted to receive your suggestions and experiences as comments.
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